Sie haben rechtliche Fragen oder brauchen einen Rat? Wir bieten Ihnen eine Beratung per Telefon und E-Mail an, eine persönliche Beratung vor Ort ist leider nicht möglich. Rufen Sie uns bei Bedarf daher an oder schreiben Sie uns jederzeit eine Nachricht.
Bitte geben Sie Ihre Telefonnummer für Rückfragen an. Bitte teilen Sie uns auch mit, ob Sie Mitglied des Flüchtlingrats sind. Weitere Infos zu unserer Beratung finden Sie hier.
Bitte beachten Sie bei E-Mailanfragen, dass wir für die Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage keine personenbezogenen Daten der Geflüchteten (Name, Aktenzeichen, Adresse, Geburtsdatum, etc.) benötigen. Im Sinne des Datenschutzes bitten wir Sie darum, diese Informationen nicht anzugeben bzw. zu schwärzen.
About us: The Refugee Council Baden-Wuerttemberg (BW)
Who We Are
The Refugee Council BW is a human rights organization serving refugees in the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Founded in 1988, our mission revolves around supporting and empowering refugees while advocating for more humane refugee policies primarily at the state and additionally at the federal level. Headquartered in Stuttgart, we act as the state’s only independent and supra-regional network of local initiatives that work directly with and for refugees.
As a registered association, we are proud to have a dedicated team of full-time staff, supported by a network of over 800 members and a volunteer board of spokespersons.
What We Do
The core of our work is providing meaningful information on Baden-Wuerttemberg’s legal, social, and political landscape within the realm of migration. We primarily
Offer individual legal advice,
Produce informative materials on relevant immigration law and policy-related topics,
Organize and conduct seminars, workshops, and conferences, and
Train refugees as trainers/multipliers to share immigration-related information in their communities (as part of our project „START KLAR – Mein Leben in Deutschland“).
In addition, we strategically engage in public relations and lobbying to advocate for improvements in the asylum protection system and migration policy. Our ultimate aim is to create a positive impact on the lives of refugees.
How to Reach Us
We are here to assist you. If you reside in Baden-Wuerttemberg and have questions or require support on any of the above matters, please do not hesitate to contact us. We provide legal advice over the phone and via e-mail.
Helpline Hours
2:00 – 4:00 pm
+49 (0)711 / 55 32 83-4
General inquiries:
Inquiries regarding particularly vulnerable individuals (e.g., individuals with a disability, pregnant persons):
Please include your phone number so that we can reach out for further inquiries.
If you contact us from another federal state, please consult the other Refugee Councils in Germany
Additional information
On the website Welcome2BW (last update: 2020) you can find additional information for refugees in Baden-Wuerttemberg in several different languages.